6 simple steps to try to help your dog cope with separation anxiety

1. Make sure your dog receives adequate exercise

Particularly if you have a high energy breed of dog, but regardless of breed, make sure your dog gets enough exercise. This will make sure they don’t have pent up energy.

2. Keep them entertained and stimulated while you’re out

Interactive games and activities can be great ways to do this. A frozen stuffed Kong works well for my dog! There are so many different types of puzzles and toys designed for dogs nowadays, the Kong Wobbler to Aikou, that are great particularly for food orientated dogs.

3. Make a happy, den like space for your dog

This has proven itself to work well for lots of dogs so is worth the time and effort creating. The most important things to consider when building your dog a den is to ensure it is comfortable and they have space to move around.

4. Play some gentle music and familiar smells

Some reports say classical is the most calming. Putting an old jumper or dressing gown that smells of you can provide comfort for your dog when you are out.

5. Supplements can be a great addition

Using pheromones (available in collars/plug in and sprays) can also help to calm anxious dogs. Being able to calm your dog down will enable them to learn and be more receptive to training and desensitisation techniques

6. The most important long-term solution is…desensitisation

Through desensitisation you can permanently change your dog’s feelings about being left alone. The Blue Cross has a good basic guide to this, or you can seek professional one on one advice from a clinical animal behaviourist.